Project Description



The creative industries in Austria are made up of self-employed persons and enterprises in fields such as design, fashion, advertisement, the film and music industry, architecture, software and games, publishing, radio and photography who are engaged in the creation, production and distribution of creative and cultural products and services.

The creative industries effect

There is hardly a sector that has gained more relevance in Europe in recent years as an economic and competitive factor than the creative industries. As a driver of growth and innovation, the creative industries constitute an important factor of success in the Austrian economy. While the innovative potential in the creative industries as such is very high, they also act as a catalyst for innovative products and services in other enterprises, fuelling their creation of value and growth. Other sectors, regional innovation systems and Austria as a business location are the beneficiaries of this creative industries effect.

Kreativwirtschaft Austria

As part of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Kreativwirtschaft Austria promotes the interests of the creative industries within Austria and with respect to the European Union and fosters public awareness of the creative solutions the sector provides. Kreativwirtschaft Austria, or KAT, provides extensive services to creative entrepreneurs, fostering their economic success and their cross-sector communication. Under the adopted Creative Industries Strategie for Austria the KAT ist a co-operation partner of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs.