Policy, Business, Education, Research and Tech in the Creative Industries
Weekly, May 28 – June 3, 2018

May 28, 2018, Flanders DC: “Het museum als ondernemer: van museumshops, content marketing, partnerships en virtual reality tot productontwikkeling”, by Roel Daenen

“Wie weleens een museum binnenstapt, kan er (haast) niet naast kijken: het ondernemerschap heeft er zijn intrede gedaan. Dat was al langer het geval in een aantal buurlanden – met Nederland en het Verenigd Koninkrijk op kop – maar nu zetten onze musea ook volop in op sfeervolle museumshops, content marketing, partnerships, virtual reality, productontwikkeling en nog veel meer”. Read the full article at: https://flandersdc.be/nl/magazine/het-museum-als-ondernemer

May 28, 2018, Digital Catapult: Open-Call: Watford Borough Council – LPWAN Innovation Competition (closing date: 11 June 2018)

Watford Borough Council is seeking cutting-edge startups and scaleups to help develop LPWAN-enabled solutions to solve challenges facing local authorities in the UK. Challenge winners will receive up to £20k investment to run a live trial. More information at: https://www.digicatapult.org.uk/activities/open-call/watford-borough-council-lpwan-innovation-competition

May 28, 2018, Hamburg Kreativ Ges.: Kurzinterview: Worin sich menschliche und Künstliche Intelligenz unterscheiden

“Frau Lenzen, als Wissenschaftsjournalistin schreiben Sie über Themen aus Kognitionswissenschaften, Psychologie, Evolutionstheorie und Künstlicher Intelligenz. Worin unterscheidet sich die menschliche von der künstlichen Intelligenz?”. More information at: http://mindtheprogress.de/aktuelles/kurzinterview-worin-sich-kunstliche-und-menschliche-intelligenz-unterscheiden/

May 28, 2018, Kreativ.Quartiere: Individuelle Künstlerinnen- und Künstlerförderung (IKF)

“Das IKF-Bewerbungsportal ist wieder geöffnet. Aktuell können sich KünstlerInnen aus dem Ruhrgebiet noch bis zum 25. Juni für den Förderbereich ‘Künstlerische Aktionen’ bewerben. Mehr Infos zum Programm und den Förderbedingungen gibt’s hier: https://www.e-c-c-e.de/individuelle-kuenstlerinnen-foerderung.html”.

May 29, 2018, Singulars: “Art for autism, les artistes se mobilisent pour l’association Sur les bancs de l’école”, by Olivier Olgan

“Plus de 80 artistes de renom ont offert une œuvre originale au profit de l’association Sur les bancs de l’école. L’ensemble sera mis aux enchères le mardi 19 juin 2018, à 19h chez Artcurial, à Paris. Cette vente exceptionnelle a pour ambition de permettre à de nombreuses personnes autistes de vivre et de grandir parmi les autres, de progresser réellement et durablement afin d’être préparées à une vie sociale et professionnelle. Quand l’amour de l’art rime avec l’amour de l’autre!”. More information at: https://singulars.fr/art-for-autism-les-artistes-se-mobilisent-pour-lassociation-sur-les-bancs-de-lecole/

May 30, 2018, Culture Action Europe: CAE reacts to a new Creative Europe proposal

“On 30 May 2018, the European Commission presented their proposal for the Creative Europe programme 2021-2027. Culture Action Europe (CAE) welcomes continuity of the programme as a promising development strongly promoted by CAE and its members. (…) The proposal recognises the importance of safeguarding artistic freedom in the current EU political context. However, CAE regrets that no tangible steps have been taken to guarantee freedom of artistic expression and cultural rights next to the proposed, and equally necessary, focus on media freedom and pluralism”. Read the full reaction at: https://cultureactioneurope.org/news/cae-reacts-to-a-new-creative-europe-proposal/

May 31, 2018, DACTA: Smart City: le projet “Interactive Data Light”

“Interactive Data Light” c’est un projet de luminaire urbain (lampadaire) connecté, associant la technologie LED à la captation de présence des usagers (véhicules, piétons) afin de permettre un éclairage de la voirie le plus juste possible : un éclairage tamisé en l’absence de passage, alterné avec un éclairage calibré pour circuler en toute sécurité. Bien sûr, le projet ne se limite pas à cela : la solution “Interactive Data Light” intègre également de nombreux capteurs permettant l’analyse de l’environnement urbain (qualité de l’air, ambiance sonore, …). More information at: http://www.dacta.fr/blog/smartcity-interactive-data-light.html

May 31, 2018, Arts Professional: “Time, space and money”, by Nicola Sim

“How can we support emerging artists? This was the question posed by Freelands Foundation, founded in 2015 with a mission to provide funding and opportunities in the visual arts sector. I was enlisted in 2016 to produce a piece of research offering possible answers to this question, through conversations with artists, lecturers, funders and leaders from organisations dedicated to mentoring and championing artists. Alongside consultations with 15 selected interviewees, the inquiry involved an analysis of current opportunities targeting visual arts undergraduates, graduates and emerging artists”. Read the full article at: https://www.artsprofessional.co.uk/magazine/article/time-space-and-money

Jun 1, 2018, Ellen MacArthur Fdn.: “Cities in the circular economy: An initial exploration”

“Cities are uniquely positioned to drive a global transition towards a circular economy, with their high concentration of resources, capital, data, and talent over a small geographic territory, and could greatly benefit from the outcomes a transition”. More information at: https://www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/publications/cities-in-the-circular-economy-an-initial-exploration

Jun 1, 2018, Alessandra Proto‏: “Building competitiveness and innovative capacity through culture and creativity”, presentation by Pier Luigi Sacco

“This is an exceptional moment where there is no longer a global cultural mainstream. Local #creativity can easily go global if vibrant enough! @PierLuigiSacco @economicsfest Full presentation at: https://www.slideshare.net/OECDLEED/building-competitiveness-and-innovative-capacity-through-culture-and-creativity-pierluigi-sacco”.

Jun 3, 2018, africa.com: “Africa’s Deep History Museums”, by Lebo Matshego

“Africa is a continent of deep history and culture. Thanks to Africa’s deep history museums people can learn of past events that shaped the continent. Significant historical events have shaped the continent into what it is today, with events spanning from the ancient world to modern Africa”. Read the full article at: https://www.africa.com/africas-deep-history-museums/

Jun 2, 2018, Crafts Council UK:  “Africa’s Deep History Museums”, by Lebo Matshego

“Africa is a continent of deep history and culture. Thanks to Africa’s deep history museums people can learn of past events that shaped the continent. Significant historical events have shaped the continent. Significant historical events have shaped the continent into what it is today, with events spanning from the ancient world to modern Africa”.